Service center training – developing viable services using data from the WaPOR portal

Service center training – developing viable services using data from the WaPOR portal

Under the Water-PIP project, MetaMeta and eLeaf, kicked-off one week training session for the three service centers that are aiming to be the lead service providers using open source data, particularly the WaPOR  - FAO Water Productivity Open-access p...Read more
New paper on rodent and shrews of agroecosystems in Ethiopian highlands

New paper on rodent and shrews of agroecosystems in Ethiopian highlands

Dr. Meheretu Yonas and MetaMeta colleagues recently published an important paper on the rodent populations and biodiversity in the context of the Ethiopian’s highlands. Using a novel technique of camera traps, the authors recorded six rodent species,...Read more
MetaMeta Communication launched new podcast series on TheWaterChannel

MetaMeta Communication launched new podcast series on TheWaterChannel

In collaboration with IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, MetaMeta Communications produced and launched a podcast series, featuring conversations on water, food, and agriculture, and environmental sustainability. The podcasts cover stories and talks t...Read more
MetaMeta is proud winner of the OLAM food prize for our work on Green Rodent Management in Ethiopia

MetaMeta is proud winner of the OLAM food prize for our work on Green Rodent Management in Ethiopia

Innovation for botanical rodenticide awarded the prestigious Olam Prize on food security The 2021 Olam Food Prize has been awarded to the Green Rodent Consortium, consisting of MetaMeta Research (the Netherlands) and Ethiopian partners. The consortium de...Read more

Launch of Worldbank's guideline on Green Road for Water

Meta Meta contributed to a recent guideline document by the Worldbank 'Green Roads for Water - Guidlines for Road Infrastructure in Support of Water Management and Climate Resilience'. This important document is expected to support government, ...Read more